There wasnt a lot of math today, Only correcting. First thing we did was look at the last blog post and the stuff on the blog. Then went to the homework in the text. Page 168-169 3-8. We didnt really talk about it so we dont have much to say because afte that we kind of just put aside math and the art people worked on their mittens and other did optional things.
By the waaayy... I was told what happened at lunch today. Riley (Wasnt allowed to put last name) Put noodles in the microwave and forgot the water. Soooooo.. Long Story short. It started a fire in Wilson's room. :S
Homework.! Remember your costumes and props or tomorrow Because tomorrow is the day that we are presenting our skits. And Spelling, D,E,F,G,H. Do not do I.! Due Tomorrow. Also, The Blog post, which is either a cylinder, a rectangular prism, a triangular prism in real life examples and label the post: SA Challenge, growing post!
Well done Ashley!