Due For Tomorrow!- On dotted graph paper we were asked to draw the figure on page 166 then on page 168 do Communicate The Idea along with 3 A, B, OR C, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
SA Challenge- we were asked to take or find a picture on the internet that was either a

Math Text Book- there is now a way to get the math text book from the blog. First find all the labels and there is a link called Grade 8 math text book, if you click on that it will take you to the wed site.
ELA-This month our sc
hool is having a spelling bee so were starting, Spelling Book H Lesson one D,E,F,J and H due for Thursday. Also we are going to redo our scenes from the book our group read and show it to Mr. Wilson's class so remember to bring your costumes!!!!

Great job RJ. Don't forget a title!