Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Common Denominator- Multiplacation

Multiplacation Reciprical

Common Denominator.

Today in class we started off with reveiwing Common Denominators and Multiplacation of fractions. We corrected numbers 7-11 on page227 and 228. questions 12-16 are due for tommorow on page 228. You could either use the metod of common denominator or multiplacation. either way you will get the same answer with both methods. on a test, to check your answers, you could just do the question the other way and if the answers and different, then the answers probably wrong. THERES A CHAPTER 6 TEST NEXT WEEK. DONT FORGET, IF YOU DO, DONT MAKE UP EXUSES!!

1 comment:

  1. EXCELLENT post Nathan!! Way to go! It almost sounds like you know what you are doing....?

    Great job!


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